Yarui Peng, Bon Woong Ku, Younsik Park, Kwang-Il Park, Seong-Jin Jang, Joo Sun Choi, and Sung Kyu Lim
Yarui Peng, Bon Woong Ku, Younsik Park, Kwang-Il Park, Seong-Jin Jang, Joo Sun Choi, and Sung Kyu Lim, “Design, Packaging, and Architectural Policy Co-Optimization for DC Power Integrity in 3D DRAM”, in Proc. Design Automation Conference, pp. 1–6, Jun 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
@string{conf.acm.dac="Design Automation Conference"}
author = {Yarui Peng and Bon Woong Ku and Younsik Park and Kwang-Il Park and Seong-Jin Jang and Joo Sun Choi and Sung Kyu Lim},
title = {{Design, Packaging, and Architectural Policy Co-Optimization for {DC} Power Integrity in {3D} DRAM}},
booktitle = Conf.ACM.DAC,
year = {2015},
pages = {1--6},
month = jun,
doi = {10.1145/2744769.2744819},
ieee = {7167275},
issn = {0738-100X},