[2] | Imam Al Razi, Quang Le, H. Alan Mantooth, and Yarui Peng, “Constraint-Aware Algorithms for Heterogeneous Power Module Layout Synthesis and Optimization in PowerSynth”, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications, pp. 323–330, Oct 2018.
[1] | Shilpi Mukherjee, Tristan Evans, Balaji Narayanasamy, Quang Le, Asif Imran Emon, Amol Deshpande, Fang Luo, Yarui Peng, Steve Pytel, Tom Vrotsos, and Alan Mantooth, “Toward Partial Discharge Reduction by Corner Correction in Power Module Layouts”, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, pp. 1–8, Jun 2018.